Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

Type of classroom speaking performance

a.      Type of Teaching Speaking
According to Brown (2001: 271) there some type of classroom speaking performance, they are:
i)        Imitative
Learners practice an intonation contour ot try to pinpoint a certain vowel sound. Imitation of this kind is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form.
ii)      Intensive
Intensive speaking goes one step beyond imitative to include any speaking performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language.
iii)    Responsive
Short replies to teacher or students initiated question or comment.
iv)    Transactional (Dialog)
Transactional language carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information is an extended form of responsive language
v)      Interpersonal (Dialog)
Interpersonal dialog carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationship than for transmission of facts and information.
vi)    Extensive (Monolog)
Students at intermediate to advance levels are called on to give extended monologues in the form of oral report, summaries, or perhaps short speeches.

From the statement above, I can conclude that there are some types of classroom speaking performance can be used by the students. The first is imitative. In this performance, the students just imitate how to say in correct intonation not meaningful interaction. The second is intensive. The students practice some phonological/grammatical aspect of language. The third is responsive. The student should have question or command for their teacher. The fourth is transactional. In this activity, the students will try to speak to get the purpose of getting information. The fifth is interpersonal. The students will get the purpose of maintaining social relationship to get the fact and information. The last is extensive. The students will try to perform oral monologues such as report, summary or short speak. 

source : 

      Brown, Douglas, H. (2001). Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. London:Longman.

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